Pay your Bill online or check if you have any other outstanding invoices using the following steps:
1. Navigate to and Click Pay My Bill in the top right hand Corner to allow access the unique Pay My Bill weblink. It will bring you back to this page and you can proceed to Step 2. For security reasons, the Pay My Bill link is only accessible when navigating first via the LMS website.
2. Enter your Invoice Number or Client Code as detailed on an outstanding invoice and click Submit. If nothing shows up on the following page, your account is up to date. Thank you! Please note newly sent invoices may take up to 24 hours to display on our Payment Portal.
3. Follow the prompts by selecting each invoice you wish to pay. You can pay in full or make part payment by typing an alternate number into the amount applied column. Then click Pay.
4. Choose which payment method you would like to use. Pay by EWAY is a credit card only option, allowing payments via Visa, Mastercard or Amex . Pay by Ezidebit offers the ability to pay online securely via Direct Debit request from a credit card, debit card or your entered bank account. Our preferred payment method is EziDebit.
5. When choosing EziDebit, your invoice particulars will be prefilled for you and you will be asked to complete the remaining details (select Credit Card or Debit Card) and submit securely online. Easy!
6. When choosing EWAY, you will then need to select which payment method you would like to use. Option 1 is Visa, Mastercard or Amex . Click continue. Option 2 offers Click to Pay via Amex account and to a one time code generated from your email address. Most use option 1.
7. Input your Credit Card details and Pay Now to submit. Please note your customer details are generated from our database and you do not need to fill in the fields. They are hidden for privacy purposes.
Either way, your payment will be processed and a receipt sent to you automatically. Thank you for supporting us by paying online!
EziDebit allows LMS to offer recurring direct debit payments from a credit card or bank account!
Are you interested in switching to monthly payments by Direct Debit to save on your annual accounting fees or automate your payments and make life simpler? Contact us today on 02 9891 9333 to discuss and request a copy of our Direct Debit Service Agreement.
For invoice queries or to request a statement of account, please call us on 02 9891 9333 or email