Directors Identification Numbers

Correct as at 01 November 2021
A director identification number (director ID) is a unique identifier you will keep forever. It will help to prevent the use of false or fraudulent director identities.

What are they?

The director ID is a unique 15-digit identifier that will stay with a director for life.

A director ID is a 15-digit identifier given to a director (or someone who intends to become a director) who has verified their identity with us.

A director ID:

  • starts with 036, which is the 3-digit country code for Australia under International Standard ISO 3166
  • ends with an 11-digit number and one ‘check’ digit for error detection.

Directors need to apply for their own director ID. It’s free to apply.

Directors will only ever have one director ID. They’ll keep it forever even if they:

  • change companies
  • stop being a director
  • change their name
  • move interstate or overseas.

Australia’s 2.7 million company directors can now apply for their new Director identification numbers (director ID). In the first few hours after the launch of service, more than 2,000 people successfully applied for their director ID.

Why are they important?

Shareholders, employees, creditors, consumers, external administrators and regulators are entitled to know the names and certain details of the directors of a company.

All directors are required by law to verify their identity with us before receiving a director ID. This is important because it will help to:

  • prevent the use of false or fraudulent director identities
  • make it easier for external administrators and regulators to trace directors’ relationships with companies over time
  • identify and eliminate director involvement in unlawful activity, such as illegal phoenix activity.

Illegal phoenix activity is when a company is liquidated, wound up or abandoned to avoid paying its debts. A new company is then started to continue the same business activities without the debt. When this happens:

  • employees miss out on wages, superannuation and entitlements
  • suppliers or sub-contractors are left unpaid
  • other businesses are put at a competitive disadvantage
  • the community misses out on revenue that could have contributed to community services.

What do I do next?

To apply, directors can log into ABRS online using the myGovID app and online application is likely to be the fastest channel, with director IDs issued instantly. It is free to apply, and available to directors within Australia and overseas. Applications are available by phone and by paper, for those who need it.

HOT TIP – Get your MyGov ID Strength to strong before commencing

Welcome to Australian Business Registry Services | Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS)

There are 3 Steps

Step 1 – Set up myGovID

You will need a myGovID with a Standard or Strong identity strength to apply for your director ID online. If you live outside Australia and can’t get a myGovID with a Standard or Strong identity strength, you will need to apply with a paper form and provide certified copies of your identity documents. If you live in Australia and:

  • don’t have a myGovID, you can find information on how to download the app at How to set up myGovIDExternal link
  • already have a myGovID, you can apply for your director ID now.

Step 2 – Gather your documents

You will need to have some information the ATO knows about you when you apply for your director ID:

  • your tax file number (TFN)
  • your residential address as held by the ATO
  • information from two documents to verify your identity.

Examples of the documents you can use to verify your identity include:

  • bank account details
  • an ATO notice of assessment
  • super account details
  • a dividend statement
  • a Centrelink payment summary
  • a PAYG payment summary (this is different to your income statement, and/or your PAYG instalment activity statement).


Step 3 – Complete your application

Once you have a myGovID with a Standard or Strong identity strength, and information to verify your identity, you can log in and apply for your director ID. The application process should take less than 5 minutes.

Apply for your director ID | Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS)

Is there are deadline??

    • 1. Individuals who became a director on or before 31 October 2021 – must apply by 30 November 2022
    • 2. Individuals who become a director between 1 November 2021 and 4 April 2022 – must apply within 28 days of appointment, and
    • 3. Individuals who become a director from 5 April 2022 onwards – must apply before appointment.

I dont have a MyGovID but I have MyGov. Can I use this?

No, they are two different services. MyGovID is different from myGov

  • myGovID is an app. You download the myGovID app to your smart device. It lets you prove who you are and log in to a range of government online services, including myGov.
  • myGov is an account. Your myGov account lets you link to and access online services provided by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Centrelink, Medicare and more.

We encourage you to apply as soon as possible, there is no reason to delay.

Contact us if you have any issues. We cannot complete the process for you, but we can point you in the right direction.

LMS Team

Alexander Laureti is the Principal and Managing Director of LMS Advisory. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Law, and he is a Fellow of the CPA (Certified Practising Accountants) and a Chartered Tax Advisor. Alexander has over 17 years of experience as an accountant in Public Practice.
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